The design and optimization of modern propulsion and power generation systems depend on our detailed knowledge of high-temperature flame dynamics. Using a new technique developed to study flame propagation behind reflected shock waves, the Ferris group studies the flame behavior of emerging sustainable fuels at previously unexplored high temperatures.
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Zheng, L., Figueroa-Labastida, M., Nygaard, Z., Ferris, A. M., & Hanson, R. K. (2024). Laminar flame speed measurements of ethanol, iso-octane, and their binary blends at temperatures up to 1020 K behind reflected shock waves. Fuel, 356, 129495.
Zheng, L., Nygaard, Z., Figueroa-Labastida, M., Susa, A. J., Ferris, A. M., & Hanson, R. K. (2023). Atmospheric-pressure shock-tube measurements of high-temperature propane laminar flame speed across multiple equivalence ratios. Combustion and Flame, 251, 112726.
Ferris, A. M., Susa, A. J., Davidson, D. F., & Hanson, R. K. (2019). High-temperature laminar flame speed measurements in a shock tube. Combustion and Flame, 205, 241–252.